X Architecture & Engineering (XAE) is a firm that, since its founding a decade ago, has aimed to create something beyond mere structures. This approach, according to the experts at XAE, seeks to expand and transform the role of ideas and the capacity of architecture to inspire. The company’s technical...
read moreWhat trends do you notice in architecture and design in the residential sector? What are the specifications of the new housing projects, currently designed, in terms of partitioning, interior/exterior design and type of materials used?- XAE offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to research and design in the field of...
read moreInterview Arch. Marius Călin and Arch. Urb. Simona Văleanu. How does urban regeneration change the face of big cities? "Urban regeneration is a trend that has been developing for many years in major cities around the world. Urban areas that were heavily industrialised years ago are now being replaced by...
read moreIt's hard to look at the city's development from the window of the block | arh. Marius Călin @ People in space | VIDEO INTERVIEW " RN: Let's talk about what you're working on now, what you're building now. MC: X Architecture is a ten year old firm, we started...
read moreManaging Director, Eng. Mariana Turcu speaks with Agenda Constructiilor: Our office is specialized in architectural projects and ensures the coordination of all specialties, for all phases of design, as well as the meticulous technical follow-up of the execution. We also provide professional consulting services in the residential and commercial field,...
read moreÎn ultimele decenii s-a trecut brusc de la sistemul din perioada comunistă, axat pe construcția de blocuri, la unul în care spațiile dintre clădiri sunt esențiale. Or ne lipsește încă o înțelegere, o viziune în acest sens. Într-o situație ca zona Mircea Eliade sau Cotroceni, viziunea dezvoltatorului One a inclus...
read moreA studiat arhitectura și filmologia în New York, unde a pus bazele biroului X Architecture, care a realizat o serie de proiecte mari în SUA, Asia și mai târziu în România. Arhitectul Marius Călin are acum planuri pentru extinderea în România. Cum se împacă arhitectura cu cinematografia și cum v-a...
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