Interview Arch. Marius Călin and Arch. Urb. Simona Văleanu. How does urban regeneration change the face of big cities? "Urban regeneration is a trend that has been developing for many years in major cities around the world. Urban areas that were heavily industrialised years ago are now being replaced by...
read moreIt's hard to look at the city's development from the window of the block | arh. Marius Călin @ People in space | VIDEO INTERVIEW " RN: Let's talk about what you're working on now, what you're building now. MC: X Architecture is a ten year old firm, we started...
read more"The 15-minute city is an urban residential concept whereby most daily needs can be met by either walking or cycling from residents' homes. Under this concept, residents can find within a 15-minute walking or cycling radius essential infrastructure for mobility, health, leisure, work, education, recreation and provision, here including shops...
read moreManaging Director, Eng. Mariana Turcu speaks with Agenda Constructiilor: Our office is specialized in architectural projects and ensures the coordination of all specialties, for all phases of design, as well as the meticulous technical follow-up of the execution. We also provide professional consulting services in the residential and commercial field,...
read moreFosta platformă industrială Ventilatorul, până nu demult marcă a unei epoci a separării și compartimentalizării, unde fiecare funcțiune avea un loc strict desemnat, este acum centrul unei schimbări de paradigmă, printr-un ambițios proiect pilot de regenerare a Bucureștiului, ce implementează un nou mod de a gândi relația dintre Capitală și...
read moreCa mod de viaţă, arhitectura noastră este gândire spaţială prin aplicarea metodelor de construcţie integrate, studiul perseverent al orientării şi al luminii zenitale, exprimarea ceremonială şi echilibrată a spaţiului arhitectural şi armonizarea funcţiunilor: de locuire, a birourilor şi comerţului, în relaţie cu mediul înconjurător. În prezent, asemenea altor contribuţii generative...
read moreA studiat arhitectura și filmologia în New York, unde a pus bazele biroului X Architecture, care a realizat o serie de proiecte mari în SUA, Asia și mai târziu în România. Arhitectul Marius Călin are acum planuri pentru extinderea în România. Cum se împacă arhitectura cu cinematografia și cum v-a...
read moreEvery architectural project relies on two essential factors: place and client. A successful project is unique because it adapts geographically, climatically, and socially to its site. The architect plays a key role in orchestrating these factors. For our projects, the client—both our direct client, One United Properties, and the end...
read moreWhat trends do you notice in architecture and design in the residential sector? What are the specifications of the new housing projects, currently designed, in terms of partitioning, interior/exterior design and type of materials used?- XAE offers a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to research and design in the field of...
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